Oklahoma Publishing Company

In the 1960s, Edith Kinney Gaylord returned to Oklahoma City and worked for the Oklahoma Publishing Company, which her father, E. K. Gaylord, still owned and operated. She served on the Board of Directors and as the corporate secretary for many years, even after her father passed away and her brother, E. L. Gaylord, took over as head of the company. She was passionate about grammar and would meticulously edit the newspaper for typos and clarity.

1. Edith Kinney Gaylord served as a director of the Oklahoma Publishing Company in the 1960s, working for her father, E.K. Gaylord, until his death. The Daily Oklahoman. March 1, 1963. Oklahoma Hall of Fame Archives.

2. Edith Kinney Gaylord as a director of the Oklahoma Publishing Company. The Daily Oklahoman. 1978. Oklahoma Hall of Fame Archives.

3. Oklahoma Publishing Company Board of Directors, (front row, from left) Edith Kinney Gaylord, Thelma Gaylord, and Christy Gaylord Everest, and (back row) Martin Dickinson, Gene Katz, E. K. Gaylord II, E. L. Gaylord, Glenn Stitchcomg, Jim Terrell, William Wetmore, and E.W. Wendell. April 16, 1989. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

4. Oklahoma Publishing Company Board of Directors, (front row, from left) E. K. Gaylord II, Thelma Gaylord, E. L. Gaylord, Edith Kinney Gaylord, and Christy Gaylord Everest, and (back row) Eugene Katz, William Wetmore, Glenn Stitchcomg, Martin C. Dickinson, James R. Terrell, and E.W. Wendell. Photo by Jim Argo. June 17, 1991. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

What do you think are the differences between working for a national press organization like the A.P. and a local newspaper like The Daily Oklahoman? 

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