Covering the Truman Presidency

In 1944, Gaylord continued her work with the White House, covering President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bessy Truman. As president of the NWPC, Gaylord hosted First Lady Truman and served as liaison between the press and the White House. Gaylord invited President Truman to speak at a NWPC meeting about American foreign policy. Members had the opportunity to ask the president questions about treaty-making and promoting peace. By creating a space for women reporters to ask the president questions, women were able to engage in topics like foreign policy rather than covering society pages.
Portrait of President Harry S. Truman. December 21, 1948. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

Portrait of Margaret Truman, the president's daughter. December 8, 1950. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.
Why do you think Gaylord invited President Truman to be a featured speaker? What kinds of questions should reporters ask the president?